Lena's phone number has six digits they are all different she remembers it as three 2 digit numbers

The first digit number is a factor of 118
The second 2 digit number is a prime number less than twenty
The third 2 digit number is a square number which is not a cube number

What is her phone number?

Respuesta :

The only two digit number that is a factor of 118 is 59.
A prime number of two digits is 13, 17 or 19, since 9 is used above it will be either 13 or 17. 
The third is a square number which is not a cube. Start with 16, but 1 excludes. Then 25, but 5 has been used, then 36 which looks adequate if 13 is not used. Try 49 but 9 has been used. We know that 64 is a perfect cube and 81 has 1 used. 
The phone number is 591736.