Read this short news article:

President Barack Obama issued a warning about a government shutdown if Congress continues to refuse to raise the debt limit. Since the early 2000s, the U.S. government has had a deficit. This means it has to borrow in order to pay for all its expenses. Meanwhile, members of Congress issued statements today claiming that raising the debt limit will force them to raise taxes on the middle class in the near future.

Based on the information in the article, which statement is true?

A. Congress's refusal to raise the debt limit caused taxes to be raised on the middle class.
B. President Obama's warning was an effect of members of Congress refusing to raise the debt limit.
C. President Obama's warning caused members of Congress to issue their statements.
D. Congress's failure to raise the debt limit caused the U.S. government to experience a deficit.

Respuesta :

B. President Obama's warning was an effect of members of Congress refusing to raise the debt limit.

The correct answer is B. President Obama's warning was an effect of members of Congress refusing to raise the debt limit.

Congress didn't raise the debt limit arguing that raising it would force them to raise taxes on the middle class in a future.

This article refers to the 2013 struggle between Democratics and Republicans at the Congress, when the Republicans didn't want to solve the claims of Democratic President of the United States, Barack Obama, about raising debt ceiling.