Match the type of dance with the appropriate description. jigs group dances waltz polka
a. includes hops and is done in 2/4 time
b. features counter-clockwise turning and circling patterns
c. popular in ireland and scotland
d. highly organized and complicated patterns that were "called" instead of improvised

Respuesta :

A. Jig - this is a type of vivacious people move in compound meter, and also the going with move tune. It created in sixteenth century England, and was immediately received on territory Europe where it in the end turned into the last development of the develop Baroque move suite.

B. Group Dance - moved by gatherings of individuals all the while, rather than people moving alone or exclusively, and instead of couples moving together yet autonomously of others moving in the meantime, assuming any.

C. Waltz - a ballroom dance where people move, ordinarily in About this sound triple time, performed basically in shut position.

D. Polka - is initially a Czech move and kind of move music natural all through Europe and the Americas.