-What is a merchant or craft guild?

-Feudalism started to unravel throughout Europe and larger kingdoms came
about. Describe the changes for these kingdoms:

Respuesta :

Merchant guilds were associated with most or all of the merchants that were part of a particular town or city, they might be long-distance traders or local traders, retail or wholesale sellers, and made deals on most goods.

Some of the changes in France were that over the years, the royal hold over the lands diminished and nobles began to hold land which was passed down as hereditary. This eventually led to greater power over their land, and greater independence, attained by the nobles and gave birth to feudalism.

Some of the changes in England were that In the feudal set-up, peasants were given land holdings which they could cultivate and live on in return of the provided labor to land-owners. Following the Black Death in the 14th century, feudalism began to decline in England.

Some of the changes in Spain were that Spain was marked by waves of conquerors who brought their distinct cultures to the peninsula.

I had a bit of trouble with Spain but I hope this helps!!