
What would the celts do on this evening to make their homes undesirable to lost spirits ?

Respuesta :

For the Celts, Samhain was a festivity in which the division between this world and the otherworld was at its thinnest, thus allowing spirits to pass through.

During the Samhain festival, Celtic families ancestor's where welcomed to enter the house while lost and evil spirits were warded off.

In order to make their houses undersirable to lost spirits, the Celts would wear costumes and masks to disguise themselves as dangerous spirits. This confused the spirit and prevent them from recognising people they had disliked during their lifetime. Also, they would lit big bonfires and make strong noices to unsettle the spirits and drive them away from their homes.

Some others, fearful of the spirits, would leave out food in their houses, hoping that they would appeased by their generosity.