You buy 4 bags of sand and 3 bags of pea gravel for $24. In a second purchase (at the same prices), you buy 2 bags of sand for $6. Let x represent the price (in dollars) per bag of sand and let represent the price (in dollars) per bag of pea gravel. Use a graph to find the price per bag of sand and the price per bag of pea gravel.

Respuesta :



Sand = $3/bag; gravel = $4/bag

Step-by-step explanation:

x = price per bag of sand

y = price per bag of gravel

(1) 4x + 3y = 24

(2) 2x        =   6                 Subtract 4x from Equation (1)

           3y = 24 – 4x         Divide each side by 3

(3)          y = 8 – (4/3)x      Divide each side of Equation (2) by 2

(4)          x = 3

Plot a few points for each graph .

Table for Eqn (3)  

          x     y                       x   y

          0    8                       3    0

          3    4                       3    2

          6    0                       3    4

          9   -4                       3    6

Equation (3) is the red line in the graph below.

Equation (4) is the blue line.

The two lines cross at x = 3, y = 4.

The price of sand is $3/bag.

The price of gravel is $4/bag.

Ver imagen znk


Sand = $3/bag

Gravel = $4/bag

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

4 bags of sand and 3 bags of pea gravel for $24.

In second purchase, buy 2 bags of sand for $6.

Calculation :

Let x represent the price (in dollars) per bag of sand and let y represent the price (in dollars) per bag of pea gravel.

Now, from the given information we form the equation,

[tex]4x +3y= 24[/tex] ------ (1)

[tex]2x = 6[/tex]  ------ (2)

Now draw the graph.

[tex]\rm x=3 \;\;\;\;\;\;(from \;equation\;(2) )[/tex]

Now from equation (1) we get, y = 4

Refer the Graph for more clarity.

For more information, refer the link given below

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