Which three parts of this excerpt from "Editha" by William Dean Howells denote the meaninglessness of war? (The options are parenthesized, must pick three)
"No, girls don't; women don't, when they give their men up to their country. (They think they'll come marching back, somehow, just as gay as they went,) or if it's an empty sleeve, or even an empty pantaloon, it's all the more glory, and they're so much the prouder of them, poor things!"
The tears began to run down Editha's face; she had not wept till then; but it was now such a relief to be understood that the tears came
"No, you didn't expect him to get killed," Mrs. Gearson repeated, in a voice which was startlingly like George's again. "(You just expected him to kill someone else,)(some of those foreigners, that weren't there because they had any say about it, but because they had to be there, poor wretches)-conscripts, or whatever they call 'em. (You thought it would be all right for my George, your George, to kill the sons of those miserable mothers and the husbands of those girls that you would never see the faces of.") The woman lifted her powerful voice in a psalm-like note. "I thank my God he didn't live to do it! (I thank my God they killed him first, and that he ain't livin' with their blood on his hands!") She dropped her eyes which she had raised with her voice, and glared at Editha.

Respuesta :


  1. (They think they'll come marching back, somehow, just as gay as they went,)
  2. (some of those foreigners, that weren't there because they had any say about it, but because they had to be there, poor wretches
  3. (You thought it would be all right for my George, your George, to kill the sons of those miserable mothers and the husbands of those girls that you would never see the faces of.")

The lack of feeling towards war can be seen in those parts where the problems that war causes are seen as unimportant. This can be seen in the following response options:

  1. They think they'll come marching back, somehow, just as gay as they went.
  2. Some of those foreigners, that weren't there because they had any say about it, but because they had to be there, poor wretches.
  3. You thought it would be all right for my George, your George, to kill the sons of those miserable mothers and the husbands of those girls that you would never see the faces of.

We can arrive at these answers because:

  • In the first sentence, we can see how the narrator presents the indifference with which women act when they see men going to war as if they ignore everything that war causes and think that men would come back the same after the war.
  • The second sentence shows the indifference to the obligation with which some foreigners were subjected to war, through promises that would not be fulfilled.
  • The third sentence shows how some people viewed with indifference the way their comrades and compatriots kill in war. They were seen as heroes and murderers even as they caused the pain and suffering of many people.

With this, we can see that the narrator believes that many people do not see war as something dangerous and negative, as it should be, but they observe it in an apathetic, indifferent, and feelingless way.

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