Respuesta :

Ethos, one of Aristotle's three methods of persuasion, depends on the speaker's character. In fact, "ethos" is the Greek word for "character". In this type of argument, you are using your own reputation to win people's trust.

So, for example, if the nation was at war, and so the President got on television and started talking. "Don't worry everybody. I promise you, I will work with our allies to end this war as soon as possible".

We would trust him, right? Because why wouldn't we? He's the President! The authority figure. If anybody can end the war, it would be the President, right?

So, for this example, the speaker would have to be someone involved with animal testing. Maybe a scientist who used to test on animals but is reformed? He could say something like:

Everybody, listen to me. Animal testing is wrong. I have seen firsthand the negative effects, the abuse these animals suffer from. I have committed myself to working to implement some alternative research techniques. Let me share some of those with you."

We would trust him. Why? Because, of course he knows what he's talking about! He's actually done animal testing. He's seen it up close.

Hope this helps!  

Ethos can be defined as the character/emotion of the author or speaker that is used to persuade the audience. A speaker can show Ethos by way of his tone.

The use of Ethos to convince that testing animals is morally wrong:

This is the matter to pay deep attention on. We all are creature of god. Animals and humans are not differentiated by the creator. So who are we to harm animals? Humans and animals have equal rights over the resources. To make animals suffer painful experiments is not at all humanity. Do we have any rights to hurt those innocent creatures for the sake of our own benefit?

The tests and experiment are so painful that they often cause permanent damage to the health of animals or even death. We humans have words to express our pain, or assent. But what about the animals? They are not given the option to deny for the experiment. Animals are too given feelings by the almighty and their feelings should be respected and humans are not superior to decide animal’s future.

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