A ski resort is charging $37.50 to rent a snowmobile for 5 hours. At this rate what will be the cost for a family of 5 to rent snowmobiles for 3 hours on the first day of their vacation and 4 hours for on the last day of their vacation

Respuesta :



Step-by-step explanation:

First determine the hourly rental price.

$37.50 / 5 = $7.50 per hour

Second, calculate how many hours total the family will use the snowmobiles.

First Day : 3 hours

Last day: 4 hours

Total of 7 hours per family member

There are 5 family members; so we need to multiply 7 hours by 5 to arrive at a total of 35 hours of snowmobile rental.

Finally, multiply the total number of hours by the price per hour rental rate.

35 x $7.50 = $262.50