Which example has gravitational potential energy?
A.A horse slowing down from a run

B.An apple about to fall from a tree branch

C.A bicycle being pedaled down a horizontal path

D.Beaker sitting on the floor

Respuesta :

B. An apple about to fall from a tree branch

This is because potential energy is the energy before its actuall motion, or before kinetic energy (energy in motion). And the apple ABOUT TO FALL mentions a gravitational example.

An apple about to fall from a tree branch” has gravitational potential energy.

Answer: B


The potential energy is also termed as energy of body at rest.

The gravitational potential energy is the energy exhibited by the body due to the gravitational force and at rest as potential energy occurs at rest position.

So gravitational potential energy of horse slowing down from a run will be zero as it is in motion, so it will experience kinetic energy.

The same condition applies for bicycle pedaling in horizontal path, it will also have kinetic energy.

So the option i.e., an apple about to fall from the tree will be exhibiting potential energy as it is at rest and as the apple is going to fall only due to gravitational force acting on it so the apple will be exhibiting gravitational potential energy.