Assume that a student is given two different models of bacteria, with one model consisting of big bacteria and the other consisting of small bacteria. How can the student demonstate the theory of endosymbiosis using the models

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Theory of endosymbiosis: Symbiogenesis, or endosymbiotic theory, is an evolutionary theory of the origin of eukaryotic cells from prokaryotic organisms .The endosymbiotic theory describes how a large host cell and ingested bacteria could easily become dependent on one another for survival, resulting in a permanent relationship. Over millions of years ofevolution, mitochondria and chloroplasts have become more specialized and today they cannot live outside the cell.

Theory of endosymbiosis concerns the origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts, two organelles contained within various eukaryotic cells. these organelles originated as separate prokaryotic organisms that were taken inside a primordial eukaryotic cell. Such symbiotic relationships in which two species are dependent upon one another to varying extents served as crucial elements of the evolutionary progression of eukaryotic cells .

Endosymbiosstudent demonstate the theory of is using the models:

Bacteria are prokaryotes. Bacterium contain no membrane bound nucleus and rarely contain membrane bound organelles. Simply, most don't have any large organelles with their own membranes; this means no nucleus, no mitochondriaand no chloroplast.Small must b more simple or lack mitochondria .while large have mitochondria .Focousing on the presence or absence of mitochondria and chloroplast student demonstrate the theory of endosymbiosis>


The endosymbiosis hypothesis is a hypothesis that suggests that the smaller prokaryotic of bacteria cells are engulfed by a larger prokaryotic cell or bacteria over a long time period. This incorporation of smaller bacteria cells inside large bacteria cells has beneficial aspects for both small and large cells.

The evolution of the eukaryotic cell by the endosymbiosis process that is evolved by engulfing different smaller prokaryotic cells by larger prokaryotic cells that result in evolved as chloroplasts and mitochondria and other organelles. The theory of endosymbiosis can be demonstrated by placing a smaller bacteria model in a larger bacteria model as a whole eukaryotic cell where the large model is cell and smaller bacteria model is any cell organelle like mitochondria.