Read the passage and examine the text in bold. Then, answer the question.

I always loved my grandfather's explanations of our seasons, "This is the country of three seasons. From June on to November it lies hot, still, and unbearable, sick with violent and unrelenting storms; then on until April, it is chill, quiet, and drinks its scant rain and scanter snows. From April to the hot season again, it is blossoming, radiant, and seductive." His months were only , the rain-laden wind may drift up the water gate of the Colorado River from the Gulf and bring to us our heat, chill, or radiant. In the desert, we see the land sets its seasons by the rain.

Does the bolded portion contain an error? Choose the correction if one is needed.

A. approximate; later or earlier

B. approximate, later, or earlier

C. approximater, later, or earlier

D. No correction needed