world war 2
Based on the information in the excerpt,. How did the United States react to the events of the Holocaust?
a. brought Nazi leaders to military tribunals in Germany
b. passed new laws in the United Nations to prevent future wars
c. held public hearing in Congress to ratify the Geneva Conventions
d. joined other nations in holding Nazi leaders accountable for their actions

world war 2 Based on the information in the excerpt How did the United States react to the events of the Holocaust a brought Nazi leaders to military tribunals class=

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Based on the information in the excerpt, the United States brought Nazi leaders to military tribunals in Germany AFTER the end of World War II. (a)

BUT ... To our country's lasting shame, the horrors being inflicted on racially-selected segments of Germany's civilian population were well known to the US DURING the war, but our government did little or nothing to impede this barbaric activity and preserve civilian lives.  

For example, the railroad tracks that guided the cattle-cars full of Jews to their torture, starvation, and death at Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor, and Bergen-Belsen could have been disabled with a few well-placed bombs, easily, cheaply, and with minimal military risk.  But they were not.

The ovens in the concentration camps, or the camps themselves, could have been rendered operationally useless with a few well-placed bombs, easily, cheaply, and with minimal military risk.  But they were not.