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The Greeks made major contributions to math and science.  We owe our basic concept of math to ancient Greek mathematicians.  Some of the first astronomical models were developed by Ancient Greeks.  Hippocrates is a famous Greek physician who established a medical school.  He is credited as being the founder of modern medicine. Aristotle and Plato were 2 Greek philosophers who wrote about biology and drama.  The works of Greek playwrights like Sophocles and Aristophanes formed the foundation upon which all modern theatre is based.

The contributions or the achievements of ancient greek are memorable and very useful in today's world itself. They were more aware and more discoverable as compared to today's generation. They discovered and invented useful things when there were no means for their presence or existence in the world.

The Greeks made major contributions in the education field like maths and science.  We owe our basic concept of math to ancient Greek mathematicians.  Some of the first astronomical models were developed by Ancient Greeks.  Hippocrates is a known Greek physician who established a medical school.  He is credited with the founder of modern medicine. Aristotle and Plato were 2 Greek philosophers who wrote about the subject biology and drama.

To know more about the contributions or achievements of the ancient greek, refer to the link below: