Can someone help me with poster for history it's about medieval ages but i can't find any short info can someone deal with it? the keypoints are: cloets, jobs, houses, eterament, streets and food

Respuesta :

In mediaval ages many women would where long dresses, the poor would have dull ones and rich vibrant ones jobs, you had knights, jesters, stable cleaners, bakers and butchers, women where not often aloud to do these jobs, houses would be a castle for the king and queen and for the pesants it was small houses, almost hut like and for entertainment you would do nay games you can think of outside or talk, for the rich they had a chester to make them laugh and for food, the pesants ate whatever was edible and the royal ate feats such as turky and pie and potatoes and all that and the streets were filthy and muddy and usally stinky.