"European leaders concluded that the Muslims’ power fed upon the wealth generated by their control of the most lucrative trade routes. By paying premium prices to Muslim merchants for the gold and ivory of sub-Saharan Africa and for the silks, gems, and spices of Asia, European consumers enriched the Islamic world while draining wealth from Christendom. . . . Visionary Europeans hoped to weaken their enemy and enrich themselves by seeking an alternative trade route by sea."
-Historian Alan Taylor, American Colonies, 2001

Which of the following primary sources would most likely support the author’s argument in the excerpt?

A. Spanish royal council meeting notes concerning strategies for defeating Muslims
B. Italian maps showing the locations of natural resources in the Americas
C. Sub-Saharan African ivory carvings depicting Muslim merchant caravans
D. Portuguese blueprints for the caravel, a light and fast sailing vessel

Respuesta :

Answer: I would contend that the right answer is the A. Spanish royal council meeting notes concerning strategies for defeating Muslims.

Explanation: Just to elaborate a little on the answer, it can be added that, on the one hand, it is said that "European leaders concluded that [...]," and, on the other hand, it is said that "Visionary Europeans hoped to weaken their enemy [...]" Although Sub-Saharan African ivory carvings depicting Muslim merchant caravans and a blueprint of a fast sailing vessel would support the first and second part of the argument, respectively, I believe that the first primary source would most likely support the totality of the argument, since it reflects the opinion of important European leaders—members of the Spanish royal council—concerning strategies for defeating the Muslims, and surely their increasing power, therefore supporting both parts or sections of the argument. Option B does not apply here, since the excerpt is talking about trade in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.