Write each of these statements in for form "ifp, thenq" in English.(a) It is necessary to wash the boss’s car yo get a promotion.(b) Willy gets caught whenever he cheats.(c) You can access the website only if you pay the subscription fee.(d) I will remember to send you the address only if you send me an email.(e) You will reach the summit unless you begin your climb too late.

Respuesta :


a) If you wash boss's car then you will get the promotion.

b) If willy cheats then he will be caught.

c) If you pay the subscription fee then you can access the website.

d) If you send me an email then I will remember to send you the address.

e) If you begin your climb late then you will not reach the summit.


To convert a general statement in if then.Just analyse the sentence carefully find the cause and the effect in the statement and place the cause in the if and the effect in then.

a) cause = washing effect =promotion

b) cause = cheating effect =getting caught

c) cause = paying subscription fee effect =accessing the website.

d) cause = sending an email effect =sending the address.

e) cause = begin climbing late effect =not reaching the summit.