PLZ Help me on this 50pts

An important feature of the U.S. Constitution is its provision for a system of checks and balances. Explain the purpose and structure of the system of checks and balances and give an example of how it works.

Respuesta :

The checks and balances system in the Constitution is important because it helps to prevent any one branch of government from gaining too much power. The three main branches are the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. Here are some examples. The President can veto a bill passed by Congress, preventing it from becoming law. This is an executive branch check on the legislative branch. In turn, the Congress can vote to override that veto with a two thirds majority in both the Senate and House, and the bill will become law. This is a Legislative check on the Executive branch. Finally, the Supreme Court, when ruling on a case, decide to use its power of judicial review to declare some law of Congress or act of the President unconstitutional. This is a judicial check on both the executive and legislative branches. Hope this helps