Consider the structure of the DNA double helix. In the original 1953 publication describing the discovery of the structure of DNA, Watson and Crick wrote, "It has not escaped our notice that the specific pairings we have postulated immediately suggest a possible copying mechanism for the genetic material." What did they mean? You and a friend want to split a double-stranded DNA molecule so you each have an equal half. Is it better to cut the length of DNA in half so each person has a shorter length, or to separate the strands and each take one? Explain

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DNA is known as the genetic material of all the organisms except some viruses. DNA is made of four nitrogenous bases, pentose sugar and the phosphate group.

1. Watson and crick meant that DNA shows the complementary base pairing in which adenine binds with thymine and cytosine binds with guanine. This base pairing has allowed the single DNA stranded to carry the information that are necessary for the synthesis of the complementary daughter strand.

2.The separation of the strand should be done in such a way that friends should get each single strand of DNA. The information stored in the DNA is available in the single strand of DNA.