Respuesta :

When you are rounding there has to be a 5,6,7,8,9 to make the number go up and a 4,3,2,1 to make the number stay the same. 421,492 to the nearest ten thousand is 420,000 because the 1 indicates that the 2 (in the ten thousands place) stays the same and makes every number behind it a 0. 895,531 to the nearest hundred thousand is 900,000 because the 9 indicates that the 8 (in the hundred thousand place) goes up one number making it 9 and then you make all the numbers behind it a 0.

When 421,492 is rounded off to the nearest ten thousand, the number becomes 420,000.

When 895,531 is rounded off to the nearest ten thousand, the number  becomes 900,000.

When 421,492 is rounded off to the nearest hundred thousand, the number becomes 400,000

When 895,531 is rounded off to the nearest hundred thousand, the number  becomes 900,000.

The value of each digit in the numbers are:


2 = units

9 = tens

4 = hundred

1 = thousand

2 = ten thousand

4 = hundred thousand


1 = units

3 = tens

5 = hundred

5 = thousand

9 = ten thousand

8 = hundred thousand

Rounding off to the nearest ten thousand

In order to round off to the nearest ten thousand, examine the number in the thousand digit. If the number is equal to 5 or greater than 5, add 1 to the ten thousand digit. If this is not the case, make no changes to the ten thousand digit. All other number before the ten thousand digit is replaced with zero.

421,492 becomes 420,000.

895,531 becomes 900,000.

Rounding off to the nearest ten thousand

In order to round off to the nearest hundred thousand, examine the number in the thousand digit. If the number is equal to 5 or greater than 5, add 1 to the hundred thousand digit. If this is not the case, make no changes to the hundred thousand digit. All other number before the hundred thousand digit is replaced with zero.

421,492 becomes 400,000.

895,531 becomes 900,000.

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