Respuesta :


Mendel's law of segregation states that every living organisms comprises of two alleles for each trait. During the process of meiosis of cell division each allele segregate to form two gametes each containing a single allele.


Mendel conduct experiment of different traits of pea plants. He considered the first generation as F1 and second generation as F2. Each and every of all the traits of pea plants show same pattern of inheritance. In the F1 generation one of the two traits under consideration disappears, this forms the recessive traits. While in the next generation, that is , F2 generation the recessive trait again reappeared. The ratio of dominant and recessive traits being 3 and 1 respectively.

In human being, sex chromosomes determine the gender of the offspring. Hence Paternal chromosome would be XY and maternal would be XX. According to punnett square method, the genotypes of offspring would be:

  • XX
  • XX
  • XY
  • XY

Hence 2 male (XY) and 2 female (XX) offspring conclude that there is 50-50 chances of a couple producing male or female offspring.