According to Wallach, what is short-termism, and why is it a problem?
What is “longpath” and why did Wallach develop the concept?
Briefly discuss each of the three ways of thinking that Wallach describes.
How does Wallach relate the future to a part of speech? Explain.

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Is the acting upon short term vision of the needs and problems that must be addressed. It is a problem because the vision that is important is the Long path vision.

What is “longpath” and why did Wallach develop the concept?  

Is a concept that combines long term vision and goal oriented. Wallach develop that concept as he did not find a term that frame what is intended in the long run that was goal oriented.

Briefly discuss each of the three ways of thinking that Wallach describes.  

Transgenerational thinking: Thinking the impact of your actions in the future generations to come.  

Futures thinking: The future is not related only with better technology but with how will human relationships, moral, art and feelings like compassion will evolve.

Telos thinking: This is an invitation to think having in mind what is the "ultimate aim" of our actions as little of they might be. It is important to raise the question: how this action that I am doing now will impact or change the future in 20,50 or 100 years to come.

How does Wallach relate the future to a part of speech?

Wallach make a link between Thomas Khun quote: “People don’t shift unless they have a vision of what it is they’re shifting to.” an Martin Luther King Speech of "I Have a Dream" he says that that speech is successful as it shows what is the vision of what a dream must looks like