Read this passage about animal testing. Which answer provides the best description of the passage?
Modern technology has come a long way. Still, scientists continue to perform cruel and painful experiments on innocent animals. These experiments test the safety and benefits of many products for humans. Most of these experiments have ended up being useless. We must stop animal experiments before more innocent animals are harmed.
Some scientists say that the animal’s suffering is necessary for the good of humanity. But aren’t there other ways to do these experiments? Many experiments can be done without animals. However, companies involved in animal experimentation refuse to accept the new techniques. Take the example of makeup companies. Many of these companies continue to test their products on animals. But they could do these experiments on human cells in a lab instead. No one is harmed in this process.Many nations are taking a stand. The European Union outlawed animal testing in 2009. Israel and India followed in 2013.

Animal testing is painful but necessary for the good of humanity. Makeup companies understand this idea.
India, Israel, and the European Union continue to allow animal testing because it’s necessary for some products.
Animal testing is painful and useless. There are other options that companies can use to test their products.
Modern technology has not improved enough to end animal testing. Animal testing is the only option for many companies.
Alternatives to animal testing are just as harmful to humans and animals as traditional animal testing.​

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The passage states that technology has improved, but animal testing is still active. Some componies may only have animal testing as an option yes, but if technology had improved enough we would have found another way to test instead of on animals.