Question 1
Write the correct pronoun. Remember accents!

Mi hermano es muy inteligente. ___________ siempre va a la biblioteca para buscar libros.

Question 2
Write the correct reflexive conjugation of the verb in parentheses.

Mis hermanos siempre ________________________(lavarse) las manos antes de comer.

Question 3
Necesito un paraguas porque está _______________.
Group of answer choices





Question 4
Write the correct formal command based on the verb in parentheses. Hint: This verbs ends in "gar."

Sr. Ruiz, ___________________(pagar) la cuenta con una tarjeta de crédito por favor.

Question 5
Write the correct demonstrative.

Quiero comprar _________________ (this) camiseta.

Question 6
¿Cuánto ___________ los zapatos?
Group of answer choices




Question 7
Write the preterite conjugation. Hint: This verb is an irregular!

Yo _____________(hacer) mi tarea ayer.

Question 8
Write the imperfect conjugation of the verb. Hint: This verb is an irregular!

De niña, ella _______________(ser) muy extrovertida.

Question 9
Correctly conjugate. Based on the context, decide whether you would conjugate the verb in the preterite or imperfect.

Anoche yo ______________(comer) en un restaurante con mi familia.

Question 10
Correctly conjugate. Based on the context, decide whether you would conjugate the verb in the preterite or imperfect.

A veces yo __________________(comer) en Olive Garden los domingos.

Respuesta :


1. él

2. lavan

3. lloviendo

4. paga

5. esta

6. cuesta

7. hago

8. es

9. como

10. como


Most of the verbs are just present tense conjugated verbs.


1. él

2. se lavan

3. lloviendo

4. idk yet

5. esta

6. cuestan

7. hice

8. era

9. comí

10. idk yet

I know spanish pretty well, number 4 and 10 im still not sure but when I find out Ima hit you up, also Im 100 percent sure about these answers don't worry, have a nice day :)
