Derek’s supervisor is concerned that the company’s security system does not comply with the new standards the company has decided to employ. She has asked Derek to determine how members of the company are authenticated on the network.
What does the computer or server use to verify the access to a specific resource on the network?
A. Access control list
B. Directory permissions
C. Login script
D. Digital Certificate

Respuesta :


A. Access control list


The access control list contains a group of permissions that are attached to an object. These permissions grant system processes or users access to specific objects.

For instance, consider an object that has an ACL that contain (Mike: read, write; Kat: read; Tom: read, write, execute), Mike will be given permission to read and write, Tom will be granted permission to read, write and execute the object while Kat will only be allowed to read it.

In our scenario, for Derek to determine how members are authenticated on the network, the computer or server will use the Access control list.