
Which of the following is an example of a keystone species? (select all that 2 points
apply) *
Beavers: Beavers are considered habitat engineers because they change the
environment by building dams. This dam building provides still water in which many
species flourish.
Mountain Lions: These predators cover large areas and influence many species. Their
prey will alter where they eat and live because of the mountain lion. Scavengers are
also affected by the mountain lion's activity.
Bees: By pollinating plants, bees contribute to their survival. The plants are shelter for
insects, which are then eaten by other species, like birds.
Wolves: Being a top predator, wolves are important in many habitats. Wolves keep
deer populations in check and too many deer will eat small trees, which leads to fewer
trees. In turn, there would be fewer birds and beavers and the whole ecosystem would

Respuesta :

Keystone species control the dynamic of communities and ecosystemic structure. All the provided options are examples of keystone species.

What is a keystone species?

Keystone species are organisms that play a significant role in the population's dynamics. If removed, there would be catastrophic effects on the ecosystem.

Keystone species can,

  • Control the size of other species' populations
  • Modify a community structure
  • Exert an up-down effect at lower trophic levels. In this way, they provide essential resources.
  • Prevent dominant species from monopolizing ecosystems.

Identifying keystone species turn out to be highly used to recover degraded ecosystems.

There are four main types of keystone species. These are,

  • Predators. Top predators, like mountain lions and wolves, control all other species in the trophic chain, even plant species. For instance, they control herbivore species and impede them to over-predate on plant species.

  • Mutualists. These species benefit other species by being associated. For instance, many plant species depend on bees to pollinate them and get to reproduce. Many animal species and man depends on bees to get a source of food.

  • Ecosystemic engineers. These species modify the environment and cause changes in the whole ecosystem. This is the case of beavers that cut down trees to construct their shelters modifying the area and affecting other forms of life.

  • Herbivores. They feed on plants and get to control their population sizes. Depending on the type of plants they feed on, they can affect positively or negatively the ecosystems.

All the provided options are examples of keystone species.

  • Beavers are ecosystemic engineers
  • Mountain Lions are top predators
  • Bees are mutualists
  • Wolves are top predators

You can learn more about keystone species at