
Before my dog would lay down, he would often paw at his chosen spot and precede to circle the area. This ritual is similar to the behavior displayed by wild dogs when digging shelters

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Answer: pawing is usually for comfort while circling is usually for security.


This is a common trait among most dogs. They are usually found pawing a particular spot when they want to take a nap or sleep. Dogs find it hard to cool off unlike we humans. when dogs get overheated, they pant extremely and their paws have sweat glands. They do this solely to get a cooler spot to lie, these also is exhibited in poultry birds. Circling is another trait the dog exhibits. When a dog circles, it distributes its scent in the area telling other dogs or animals to back off using it to mark their territory which gives them a measure of security.


The behavior is found in all dogs ( they paw to find a good spot and they circle to scan for external threats )


The digging/pawing at a chosen spot or shelter by a dog is in a bid to find a comfortable place with the appropriate temperature devoid of external threat to rest or sleep at the moment.

While the circling of the area by the dog is one way to scan the area for security threats in the area or in close proximity and also to tell/scare other dogs from coming to interrupt their rest/sleep so this ritual is performed by both wild and domestic dogs.