Purpose Your goal is to create a design for a software interface. You will experience the scope of the design process from brainstorming ideas and gathering information about users’ needs to storyboarding, prototyping, and finally, testing and refining your product.As you work on the software interface, you will demonstrate your ability to apply fundamental Human-Computer Interaction principles to interface analysis, design, and implementation. You will be responsible for delivering project components to your professor at several points during the course. Action Items A lo-fi prototype shows all the elements of a user interface, drawn out on paper, notecards, or cardboard. Its purpose is to get quick feedback from users early in the design process when changes are still easy and relatively inexpensive to make. You can use a lo-fi prototype to identify usability issues such as confusing paths, bad terminology, layout problems, and missing feedback. Watch the Hanmail paper prototyping video to see an example. Please note that your paper prototype does not need to be as extensive as the one shown in the video.Your prototype should allow people to navigate from screen to screen, recover from errors, and change their choices. Show sketches of all the important areas of your design. Don’t try to show every possible action or detail. Focus on the main interactions. Remember, this is hand-drawn so that you can make changes quickly and easily if you get a better idea. Keep track of what you changed and why. Refer to the Lo-Fi Prototype Rubric to self-evaluate your work and edit as needed.

Respuesta :


1) Problem The social media is now commonly used regardless of the person's age. Even to this day newborns have their social media account. We hit the saturation point in using social media like 24x7 and remaining linked.

The main issue is that we go far away from actually socializing with our relatives and with them. The interpretations and roles are the or weakening those with us towards the families even before social networking does occur!

Another issue with this is also less exercise, less body movement, which allows us sneaky in everyday life, less common outdoor games. Our physical strength makes us frail.

2) Why it's interesting It is an interesting topic because social networks is involved as most of us (nearly everyone) are linked to social media. It has its pros and drawbacks as well, and we only look at the positive side of it.

3) Main users impacted I think this affects all users (almost the entire human race) if they do it correctly. It is a very broad concept but we focus on it only to a very tiny level and make the best use of it to make our selves more safe than before.

4) Current Approaches We will create a mobile phone app to track all of the leisure activities with different social networks as we do.

To avoid using it, we should set the correct limits by ourselves. We enable our brains do that often and most of the time we struggle.

So our app will set the boundaries here and push us to stop communicating with social networks.

For instance we can establish a data cap of 500.

5)Shortcomings and Effectiveness of Current Approaches Effectiveness of such a current method is quite easy to avoid being linked to social media as long as you start yourself.

You'll also spend a little time with relatives because it was your main objective to do this.

You may also read some other books in these extra hours, or do something artistic.

Shortcomings: I don't see any drawbacks of this problem approach so far, although one can't be linked to social media has given him a little less status update for others.

6) Key purpose of the project The main goal of this project is to restrict one self to start connecting with social media all the time and spare time with your family, mates, reading great books.