Consumer complaints are frequently reported to the Better Business Bureau. Industries with the most complaints to the Better Business Bureau are often banks, cable and satellite television companies, collection agencies, cellular phone providers, and new car dealerships. The results for a sample of 200 complaints are in the file BBB.

(a) Show the frequency and percent frequency of complaints by industry.

Industry Frequency % Frequency







(b) Which industry had the highest number of complaints?

(c) Comment on the percentage frequency distribution for complaints.

Respuesta :


Step-by-step explanation:

a. The frequency and percent frequency of complaints by industry is shown below:

Industry            Frequency    Percentage Frequency

Bank                     26                    13%

Cable                    44                    22%

Car                        42                    21%

Cell                        60                   30%

Collection              48                   13%

b. Cell has the highest complaints (60).

c. The decreasing order of complaints goes thus: Cell (60%) , Cable (22%), Car(21%).

Both Collection and Bank, together account nearly up to 27% of the total complaints.