What makes some teens more resilient and better able to handle adolescent stress than others? Offer an example of a common teen stressor, and consider Erik Erikson’s ideas about identity development during adolescence, cultural influences, and peer and family relationships. Support your reasoning with information from the text and other course materials.

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We do not have access to the text or other course materials, but we can still try to answer this question with other sources.

Erik Erikson argues that the stage of identity vs, role confusion occurs between the ages of 12-18 years, and that this is the stage in which people begin to look for a sense of self and a personal identity. This is a very important stage, as it leads to people exploring their values, beliefs and goals, and in this way, creating the foundations for the adult that they will become.

An example of this development of identity involves making the decision of the occupation that a person will pursue in his future. Teenagers face some pressure from family, society and peers in order to make a choice. Some teenagers are able to handle this better than others. For example, some teenagers have the liberty to explore and consider different possible paths, which allows them to make a more informed decision. Others might experiment with different lifestyles (work, political activities, etc.). Others might feel support from their social circle. These feelings reduce the feelings of unhappiness and rebellion in teenagers, and are less likely to lead to role confusion or an identity crisis.