why was the concern over global cooling replaced with a concern over global warming? a. the science community needed a cause to frighten the general population. b. steady surface temperature increases were noted between the 1970’s and 90’s. c. air pollution only became a concern in the 1980’s. d. scientists observed severe ocean acidification.

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The answer is B. The concern over global cooling replaced with a concern over global warming steady surface temperature increases were noted between the 1970's and 90's. The current logical sentiment on environmental change is that the Earth has not strongly cooled, but rather experienced a dangerous atmospheric devation all through the twentieth century.
The concern of global warming replaced that of global cooling when B. steady surface temperature increases were noted between the 1970's and 1990's. Long before this, the possibility of human activities bringing about climate change on a global level was dismissed, despite some scientists foretelling this outcome. Eventually, after the discovery of the ability of some gases to retain radiation and the far later monitoring of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and their effect on the surface temperature, global warming was realized as a problem.