Respuesta :


Courage and Persistence


The story 'Ted's champion' talks about a boy called Ted who tries to save his horse 'Olly' from being sold by his father 'Pops'. The father was worried about the upkeep of the horse because he couldn't afford it. Little Ted stepped in to take full responsibility for its upkeep because he loved the horse. As Ted and his father went back and forth in an argument about what to do with the horse, Ted's mother exhibited the acts of a good job by summarising both sides of the arguments and suggested ways Ted could earn extra money in order to provide upkeep for the horse. In his quest to make a living in his neighborhood, he stumbled on his neighbour Mrs Saunders in her orchard who eventually offered to harbour Olly in her stable coupled with her two horses. She would do this in exchange for an extrahand with in her orchard, which Ted gladly obliged to. This solved the challenge of providing an upkeep for Olly.

The theme of the story: Ted was able to display persistence when looking for extra means to earn money in order to keep his horse olly. He didn't allow one rejection to discourage him rather he kept on and chose not to give up.  There was also a display of courage when he stood up for what he wanted as well as going extra miles from one neighbour to another.

The theme of ""Ted’s Champion"" by Sam Hendricks is:

  • Bravery and compassion

Based on the narration in the book, we are told ot the story of a young boy named Ted who loved his horse and tried his best to save his horse from being sold because his father could not afford to keep providing for the horse.

The theme which is the central idea shows bravery and compassion on the part of the boy Ted as he gets some ideas on what to do to fetch extra money so that he would be able to keep the horse.

Read more about compassion here: