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Positive Correlation is the direct relationship between salary, education - i.e high education, high salary & low education, low salary.


Correlation is statistical co-movement between two variables. It's coefficient lies between -1 & +1

Positive Correlation implies that variables are positively related. One variable increase, other variable increase & one variable decrease, other variable decrease. Scatter graph is upward sloping.

Negative Correlation implies that variables are negatively related. One variable increase, other variable decrease & one variable decrease, other variable increase. Scatter graph is downward sloping.

Lower education implies lower salary, Higher education implies higher salary, higher education. So, salary & education are positively correlated. Scatter graph is downward sloping in this case. The correlation between these could be  Perfect Positive = +1, or Moderate Positive i.e < 1.

Example : If among accountant, architect, pharmacist, surveyor - The one having highest education (eg - pharmacist) gets highest salary ; the one having least education (eg - surveyor) has least salary.