What types of roles and responsibilities does each family member have?

Ryan: My little brother, Dylan, is starting his first year of middle school next week. My parents have decided to buy him his first cellphone as a“back-to-school” present. With his new privilege comes new responsibilities because my parents are making him pay for half of the phone bill with his chore money. This means she will have to start doing more yard work on the weekends. That great, because now I will finally have someone that can help me mow the lawn.

Emily: Next week, I will finally be allowed to get my driver's license. I can't wait for the freedom that comes with having my own car and being able to drive. My parents are giving me a car. Well, am getting my mother's car and I'm here now looking at new cars for her. They are making me pay for my own gas and car insurance, so I will need to get a part-time job. I also agreed to help drive my little brother, Nick, to baseball practice a couple of times a week since my parents are giving me a car

Manuel: Both of my parents work, so it is everybody's responsibility to help out around the house, My mom and dad take turns cooking dinner, My little sister, Kelly, sets the table, and I do the dishes. On the weekends, I help my dad work in the yard, and my mom does the laundry. my sister and I are responsible for keeping are rooms and out bathrooms clean, and my parents clean the rest of the house. Kelly is in charge of feeding the dog every day.
Responsibility is one of our most important family values. with the chores divided up evenly. family members are able to complete their work and still have free time to enjoy with each other and friends.

I'm in the 6 grade

Respuesta :

Ryan’s new responsibilities are to help contribute to his phone bill, and do more chores including mowing the lawn.

Emily’s new responsibilities are to pay the gas bill, and car insurance, there for she will have to get a job as well as drive her little brother to his games.

Manuel’s new responsibilities are to help do chores around the house, his job is to do the dishes and on the weekends help with the yard work. He also has to keep his room tidied up, bathroom clean and keep the rest of the house spotless.

I hope this is good enough
I also hope this is the brainliest please.