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A classic in English Literature, Animal Farm written by Orwell is a critique of the revolution in Russia. Orwell was a staunch believer of socialist ideals. He believed that the Russians understood these in an opposite way.


In this novella, Orwell wrote his ideas and thoughts of how few perspectives on certain decisions can make a historic change, can have a historic impact through a group of pigs that congregate and stand for their rights against 'brainworkers' as the pigs called them.

Orwell always believed that these differences in communities, creed and authoritative occupations will have a negative impact on a democratic economy where socialist ideals are said to be followed.

Squealer, the Porker, is shown as a person who keeps reminding animals of their experiences and situations that make them recollect moments which can make them brave and stand up for their rights. He has an influence on others' minds.  

All animals are equal but some are more equal than others is the line that squealer keeps repeating to get the animals agree to his positions.


In Animal farm, George Orwell illustrates the power of language and manipulation that the pigs uses throughout the play to keep their higher stand.

All animals are equal but some are more equal than others is the line that squealer keeps repeating to get the animals agree to his positions.

Squealer changes the norms of the seven commandments and threatens the animals that Jones could come back any minute. The pigs not only imitate the human beings but treat the animals the same way humans do. The animals are manipulated and persuaded to follow the norms of the big which is very absurd.