Respuesta :

Converting angle measure of 55.45 to DMS notation we get 55 degrees 27 minutes 0 seconds

Step-by-step explanation:

We need to convert angle measure of 55.45 to DMS notation

DMS notation is Degree Minute and seconds


We have 55.45, the value before decimal is considered as degrees and values after decimal can be minutes and seconds.

We can write it as 55 and 0.45

So, we have 55 degrees

To find minutes we will multiply 0.45 by 60

0.45*60 = 27 minutes

Since we have no decimal value in minutes so seconds will be 0

So, DMS will be 55 degrees 27 minutes 0 seconds

Hence converting angle measure of 55.45 to DMS notation we get 55 degrees 27 minutes 0 seconds