La palabra diferente Fill in the blank with the word that doesn't belong in each group.. 1. luego, despues, mas tarde, entonces, antes _____________. 2. maquillarse, cepillarse el pelo, despertarse, peinarse, afeitarse ________________. 3. bailar, despertarse, acostarse, levantarse, dormirse _____________. 4. champu, despertador, jabon, maquillaje, crema de afeitar ___________. 5. entonces, banarse, lavarse las manos, cepillarse los dientes, ducharse _________________. 6. pelo, vestirse, dientes, manos, cara __________

Respuesta :

"1.  antes (before) is the opposite; luego (later), despues (after), mas (much later), entonces (then) all have similar meaning2. despertarse (wake up) is not related; the other words relate to getting ready: maquillarse (put on make-up), cepillarse el pelo (brush hair), peinarse (to comb), afeitarse (to shave)3. all the words relate to sleeping or waking up except bailar (to dance); despertarse (wake up), acostarse (go to bed), levantarse (get up), dormirse (sleep)4. despertador (alarm clock) is not related to bath items such as champu (shampoo), jabon (soap), maquillaje (make-up), crema de afeitar (shaving cream )5. entonces (before) is not related to washing up, as the other words are: banarse (take a bath), lavarse las manos (to wash hands), cepillarse los dientes (brush teeth), ducharse (shower)6. vestirse (to get dressed) is not related to body parts as the other terms are: pelo (hair), dientes (teeth), manos (hands), cara (face)"