Match each organism with the type of association it exhibits.

barnacles on the back of a whale
a stork eating a fish with its beak
ticks sucking the blood from the body of an animal


Respuesta :


Prey-predator = a stork eating a fish with its beak.

Parasitism = ticks sucking the blood from the body of an animal.

Commensalism = barnacles on the back of a whale.


The stork is a predator since it feeds on another organism completely (the prey). The ticks are parasites as they feed off nutrients from a living animal. The barnacles and the whale are commensals as the barnacles are carried about at no harm to the whale.


The association exhibited by the organisms would be commensalism, prey-predator, and parasitism respectively.

Biological associations

Barnacles on the back of whales benefit from the whale by their inhabitation. The whale, however, neither benefits nor loses in any way. This is commensalism.

A stork eating fish with its beak is preying on the fish. The stork is a predator while the fish is a prey.

Ticks sucking the blood from the body of animal benefits from the animal. The animal, in return, loses blood and nutrient. Thus, the ticks are parasites while the animal is the host.

More biological interactions can be found here: