Respuesta :

  copa IS cup & teléfono IS telephone   fábrica is not fabric it is a factory and ropa is clothes

The correct option from the given choices is "teléfono Telephone", because it is the only one of these choices that true cognate here and actually matches its spanish counterpart. Ropa means "clothing", copa means "glass", fábrica means "factory, and teléfono means "telephone".

A cognate is a word that is connected in cause to another word that has a comparative importance in another dialect.

The cause of words, historical underpinnings, can be lessened to a bunch of antiquated dialects from which developed the cutting edge dialects, with its own particular syntactic standards. English and Spanish, albeit altogether different, they additionally share their foundations some place previously, and these roots are reflected in various normal words in the two languages, which are called TRUE COGNATES.