Consider why persons with disabilities are considered a vulnerable population. Share with others experiences you may have had with individuals born with a physical ailment, children or adults with cognitive delays, people who may have suffered traumatic brain injury (i.e., possibly due to an accident, effects from war, etc.). What have you learned about challenges that impact their lives, that you may not have considered without this personal experience? Research programs that exist (America, or globally) to better integrate persons with disabilities into society and mitigate the disparities they face. Develop your own list of opportunities/programs/activities that can better support people with various disabilities. Consider the micro and macro approach to your thinking, and develop at least one idea per level. Why do you feel these may be viable solutions? What may be some of the barriers that these ideas face?

Respuesta :

People with some type of disability are considered vulnerable because they have many limitations (physical or cognitive) that make their life in society difficult. This is because society was built in favor of those who have the full functioning of the body and mind, people with disabilities cannot be favored in this type of society, in addition to being more fragile biologically and socially, when compared to people without any type of disability. .

We can use a very simple example. Imagine that during a test to get a scholarship, the school does not have chairs and tables adapted for wheelchair users. Students who do not have a physical disability would have an advantage in the test, as the chair would not be an issue for them.

The vulnerabilities and difficulties that people with disabilities face will only be reduced, when there are effective public policies on the situation of these people. It does not help that we create strategies to help them, if there is not the full encouragement of public policies that provide integration factors for these people, in addition to providing additional education for people without disabilities, so that they understand the difficulties that the disabled face and that it is necessary to establish improvements in society so that they can live fully in it.