There are 870 boys and 800 girls in a school

The probability that a boy chosen at random studies Spanish is 2 thirds the probability that a girl chosen at random studies Spanish is three fifths. Work out the number of students in the school who study Spanish

Respuesta :



Step-by-step explanation:


No. of boys = 870

No. of girls = 800

Probability that a boy chosen studies Spanish = [tex]\dfrac{2}{3}[/tex]

Probability that a girl chosen studies Spanish = [tex]\dfrac{3}{5}[/tex]

the number of boys in the school who study Spanish :

[tex]\dfrac{2}{3}\times 870=290\times 2=580[/tex]

the number of girls in the school who study Spanish :

[tex]\dfrac{3}{5}\times 800 \\=3\times 160\\\\=480[/tex]

Therefore, total number of students who study Spanish would be :
