X 3.3.13-BE
The manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) for a particular car is $25,495, and it is expected to be worth $20,081 in 2 years.
(a) Find a linear depreciation function for this car.
(b) Estimate the value of the car 4 years from now.
(c) At what rate is the car depreciating?
(a) What is the linear depreciation function for this car?
f(x) =
(Simplify your answer. Do not include the $ symbol in your answer.)​

Respuesta :


a) y = 25495 - 2707x

b) y = 25495 - 2707(4) = 14,667

c) $2,707 per year

Step-by-step explanation:

Value now: $25,495

Value in 2 years: $20,081

Loss of value in 2 years: $25,495 - $20,081 = $5,414

Loss of value per year: $5,414/2 = $2,707

a) y = 25495 - 2707x

b) y = 25495 - 2707(4) = 14,667

c) $2,707 per year