
How did food surpluses allow ancient civilizations to grow and prosper?
They led ancient civilizations to form religious beliefs.
They led ancient civilizations to create artistic traditions.
They led ancient civilizations to establish political systems.
They led ancient civilizations to develop specialization of labor.

Respuesta :


They led ancient civilizations to develop specialization of labor.


The first result that emerged after the development of production systems that allowed a surplus in food production was labor specialization.

Thus, since not all of society needed to dedicate itself entirely to food production, since with one sector of this doing it the needs of the others would be satisfied, the rest of the members of the ancient civilizations began to lead to perform other types of tasks. Thus, societies began to divide occupations among their different members, generating the division of labor between their groups and the development of different specialized productions, which would give way to artisanal production and the development of basic industries.