Explain how the events, the characters, and the setting described in the excerpt contribute to an atmosphere of fear and paranoia. Then tell how this atmosphere relates to the period of McCarthyism in the 1950s, when Miller wrote the play. (During this time, Senator Joseph McCarthy, believing that Communists were hiding even in the U.S. government, held hearings in which people were accused without evidence of being Communists and if thought guilty, fired from their jobs or blacklisted. Through fear and intimidation, some people even felt forced to falsely accuse others of being Communists.)

Respuesta :



You had to live through it to understand McCarthyism.

It was like a black cloud that hung over America. People were afraid of everything McCarthy did. It didn't matter at all about Guilt or Innocence. There was no court room like rules governing how evidence was gathered or presented. There was no such thing as Maranda. There was only McCarthy and his henchmen. Even respected government officials (elected) were afraid of him.  No one was exempt. Everyone and anyone could be accused. There was no proper defense.