
The Metamorphosis

Narrative Writing Assignment

Directions: Write a narrative about a character who unexpectedly wakes up as an animal or creature. Although your character’s body is changed, his or her mind should stay the same. Similar to Gregor Samsa in Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis, your character must overcome an obstacle after his or her transformation. Each story should have a central idea that readers should be able to gather after reading your narrative. For instance, Gregor Samsa’s transformation sheds light on our society’s obsession with work and financial obligations instead of tackling issues of self. The story also analyzes the themes of isolation, familial duty, identity, and guilt. In order to create a well written short story, begin by asking yourself the following question: what lesson should my readers take away from my story? What's the point?


Creativity/ Originality: 30 pts.

Organization (Includes Title/ Typed): 30 pts.

Adherence to Directions: 20 pts.

Grammar: 10 pts.

Word Count: 10 pts.

Honors: 1000 words

Due: October 8th OR October 9th, 2020

You will have at least 2 students peer edit your narrative.



Central Idea:


Rising Action:

Climax (Moment of Greatest Suspense):

Falling Action:

Resolution (Denouement):

Characters Names/ Descriptions:

Respuesta :

Answer: Despite his complete physical transformation into an insect at the beginning of the story, Gregor changes very little as a character over the course of The Metamorphosis. Most notably, both as a man and as an insect Gregor patiently accepts the hardships he faces without complaint. When his father’s business failed, he readily accepted his new role as the money-earner in the family without question, even though it meant taking a job he disliked as a traveling salesman. Similarly, when he first realizes he has transformed into an insect, he does not bemoan his condition, wonder about its cause, or attempt to rectify it in any way. On the contrary, he quickly accepts that he has become a bug and tries to go about his life as best he can in his new condition. The narration in the story mirrors Gregor’s calm forbearance by never questioning or explaining how or why this odd transformation occurred or remarking on its strangeness. Instead, the story, much like Gregor, moves on quickly from the metamorphosis itself and focuses on the consequences of Gregor’s change. For Gregor, that primarily means becoming accustomed to his new body.
