compare and contrast absolute rule in France, Russia, and Prussia. Use evidence from the lesson and the reading to support your conclusions.

Respuesta :

The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although you did not include the references to your lessons or the reading, we can answer in general terms.

The absolutist government in France started in the XVI century and expanded through the XVII century throughout the country under the French monarchy. French King Louis XIV was the classic example of absolutism, power, and repression in medieval France.

In the case of Prussia, King Frederick II, also known as Federick the Great, was the most authoritarian monarch in medieval Prussia. He was a former military officer who applied his military-style to the way he governed Prussia and that military background was useful to expand his territories throughout Austria.

Regarding Russia, absolutism started in the late 1600s, when Peter The Great became the Tsar of Russia. Peter establish a stern control over the Church of Russia and the Nobles, becoming an authoritative figure who exceeded his limits of oppression and power.


Absolute monarchy (or absolutism as doctrine) is a type of monarchy in which the monarch retains supreme autocratic power, entirely free of any earthly authority, even if it is typically constrained by customary and religious morality, through which he / she also obtains legitimacy (Christianity's divine right of kings). There are also monarchies that are inherited. In comparison, the power of the head of state derives from or is legally bound or constrained by a constitution in constitutional monarchies.
