To what extent was each politician successful in reforming the nation? Defend each answer with one specific example.






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Teddy… Roosevelt was successful because he set the stage for other future presidents. Especially in his trust busting abilities. He used the Sherman Antitrust Act to bust several trusts while in office.

Taft… He was not nearly as successful as Roosevelt, especially to the American citizens because he effectively raised tariffs, which he promised he wouldn’t while he campaigned. He also did not protect conservationists goals. He didn't follow through with a lot of things he had promised. However, Taft was successful as a trustbuster, he busted over 90 trusts while in office.

Wilson… Wilson was successful because he followed closely in the footsteps of President Roosevelt, being a trustbuster. Wilson also protected the interests of the people, and tackled what he called the "triple-wall of privilege".

Bryan… William Jennings Bryan was largely a man for the people. He focused on championing Populist causes such as the free coinage of silver, national income tax and direct election of senators.

Follette… He was successful because he created major innovations in public policy. He canpaigned on issues such as tax reform, political democracy, regulation of corporations and a direct primary to select the canidates for the political parties.