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Socrates was born in 470 BC and died in 399 BC. Plato was a disciple of Socrates and later went on to establish his own academy of philosophy. Plato died in 348 BC. Aristotle was a student of Plato in his academy. All of them belonged to same school of thought which started more or less from Socrates. Lets understand their philosophy briefly one by one:

Socrates & Plato: The problem with Socrates is he did not have any specific philosophy of his own, neither did he dictate anything to anyone. The most essential contribution of Socrates is his dialectic method of inquiry, which became the foundation stone for the western philosophy. Almost every progress done in the field of sciences is based on the Socratic method. The method is nothing but asking a series of questions with logic and dissecting each hypothesis one by one. Most of the times he discussed about ethics, virtue and justice using this method. Whatever we know about Socrates is through the works of his disciples “Plato” and “Xenophon”. Although most of the historians and philosophers agree with the works of Plato to best depict Socrates. Plato was as good at literature as philosophy. He depicts the Philosophy of Socrates through his writings and extrapolates it at many occasions to include his own flavor. Hence its very difficult to separate the two.

We can fairly distinguish between Plato and Aristotle based on Plato’s “Theory of forms”.


Plato was an Idealist (Platonic Idealism). According to him, each object has an essence attached to it (e.g. quality, property, characteristic). He calls this essence as Form. For example, a Table is an object, and we can call its essence as tableness. Tableness is basically something which can be served as a table. He claims that this form and the object (matter) are completely independent and the Form is the ultimate truth and eternal. The material world is mere an illusion of this truth. Hence, Tableness is the true reality and the object table is just the copy or illusion of the tableness. So his philosophy disregards the physical world as a copy and concentrates mostly on higher truths searching for ethics, virtues, justice. He hardly worked on the studies related to Physics, mathematics etc.


Aristotle was a disciple of Plato in his academy. Although Aristotle agrees with Plato saying that objects have forms associated with them and the forms are eternal, but he disregards Plato’s claims that Forms are independent of matter (objects). Aristotle argues, How can a form exist without the object? According to him, Forms and matter coexist and can not be separated from each other. In those times, there were “Atomists” (Philosopher Democritus being the pioneer), can also be called as pure materialists, according to whom, matter is the ultimate reality and there is no such thing as Form. Aristotle does not agree with them as well. You see, Plato and Atomists are kind of two extremes and Aristotle tries to compromise between the two and find the middle. He argues, the material world is as important as the forms, and hence its worth studying it. That’s why we find most of the works of Aristotle are the studies related to things (living, non-living), laying the foundations for Biology and Physics.

The famous painting “The school of Athens” by renaissance era painter Raphael best describes the influence of these two.

You can see these figureheads at the center of the gallery. Plato on left and Aristotle on right. If you look closely, Plato is pointing his hand upwards (other worlds of ideals), while Aristotle pointing earthwards (reality). Such fine details to strike the differences between the two.

To summarize, Plato’s works are in search of higher truths as he found the material world an illusion. He was an Idealist, where as Aristotle was more of a Realist. Aristotle was the first scientist in true sense. He studied this world, while Plato studied the other world. And Socrates? He was the one who laid out the methodology based on which all these philosophies emerged and left it all to us saying “All I know is that I know nothing”.

The whole western civilization is influenced directly by these two great minds. Their philosophies compliment each other. Plato went on to become the guiding spirit of western idealism and religion while Aristotle of science and common sense. Almost all the philosophers after these two are found to be siding with either of them. Idealism vs Empiricism. Religion vs Science. Mysticism vs Common sense

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