How does the Wisconsin constitution organize its executive branch?
How does the Wisconsin constitution organize its legislative branch?
How does the U.S constitution organize its executive branch?
How does the U.S constitution organize its legislative branch?

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The newspaper template named The 3 Branches of Governemet will be used to complete the fourth part of your newspaper special.  You can find the template by Newspaper.  You must first click on your documents, file and make a copy of your template before you start your project.  Here is the timeline for your project.  

Day 11 Tasks 1 & 2

Day 12 Tasks 3

Day 13 Task 4

Day 14 Tasks 5

Task 1 Read this!

The Wisconsin Constitution, like most state constitutions, divides the state government’s powers into three separate and independent branches. This is done to make sure no one authority will be­come too powerful and endanger the liberties of the people. The three branches are the legislative, executive, and judicial. Although they are separate and independent, they must cooperate with each other to run state government.

The three-branch idea is modeled after the national government.


LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Two houses make up the legislative branch: the senate (with 33 mem­bers) and the assembly (with 99 members). This branch makes the law, passes the state budget, determines the tax structure of the state, and keeps track of the other branches of government.  


EXECUTIVE BRANCH  The executive branch has the power and duty to administer, implement, execute, and enforce the law. The governor serves as the head of the executive branch and as com­mander in chief of the state military and naval forces.


JUDICIAL BRANCH The third branch of government, the judicial branch, includes the state supreme court, the court of appeals, and all other courts.  The executive branch interprets the laws.


Task 2

What are the 3 branches of Wisconsin's Government?

What is the Legislative Branch made up of and what are their responsibilities?

Task 3

Who is the State Senator and Representative for our area? Representative's site  Senator's Site

Who is the head of the Executive Branch what are the responsibilities of this branch?

Who is our Governor? Governor's Site

Task 4

What is included in the Judicial Branch?  What is the responsibility of this branch?

Who are the supreme court judges for Wisconsin? wiki site for Wisconsin Supreme Court

Task 5- Show your teacher your newspaper. Fix your newspaper as needed and show it again to your teacher to get it approved.