
best answer gets brainliest
people who dont even try to help will be reported

Directions: read each question carefully and respond as honestly as you can. Complete each sentence starter. You may use memes as long as they are appropriate!
Poetry makes me _____.
When my teacher says we're going to study poetry, I feel ______ because _____.
My favorite poems are ones that make me _____________.
The most frustrating thing about studying poetry is ____.
My favorite thing about studying poetry is ____________.
In a poetry unit, I wish we learned more about _______.
My favorite poet is ____.
My favorite poem is ___ because ___.
My favorite type of Figurative Language is ____ because ___.
An example of this is ____.

A poem... begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. (Robert Frost)
Agree or Disagree ~ Explain

Poetry Is… (say what poetry is to you)

Respuesta :


Poetry makes me _sicks especially for the romance___.

When my teacher says we're going to study poetry, I feel I am going to _slepp____ because _some poems are boring and some talks about love etc.___.

My favorite poems are ones that make me _happy____________.

The most frustrating thing about studying poetry is how it is being structure ___.

My favorite thing about studying poetry is _sometimes there always a twist or a suprise at the end of some poems ___________.

In a poetry unit, I wish we learned more about _______.

My favorite poet is Edgar Allan Poe____.

My favorite poem is Tell-Tale Heart___ because it is spooky and explains his emotions ___.

My favorite type of Figurative Language is _similie___ because _it is easy and simple__.

An example of this is _She is as innocent as an angel.___.

A poem... begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. (Robert Frost) Agree or Disagree - Explain

I Agree because in every poem there is always  figurative language no matter what's the topic or tone

Poetry Is… (say what poetry is to you)

Poetry is a work of art and explains the emotion of the writer and how they put on thought about what they are creating


Poetry makes me __relaxed___.

When my teacher says we're going to study poetry, I feel __relaxed____ because ___she/he are saying words quietly and nicely_.

My favorite poems are ones that make me _____Happy________.

The most frustrating thing about studying poetry is __That some of the poems don't make sense and are hard.__.

My favorite thing about studying poetry is ______I find one that is easy and simple______.

In a poetry unit, I wish we learned more about ___The Characters____.

My favorite poet is __(Any poet you choose)__.

My favorite poem is _(Any poem you like)__ because _It makes me feel all my feelings, sad, relaxed, angry, and happy__.

My favorite type of Figurative Language is _Nice___ because _Figurative language refers to the use of words in a way that deviates from the conventional order and meaning__.

An example of this is _She is as sweet as an angel (used a random poem type)___.

A poem... begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. (Robert Frost)

Agree or Disagree ~ Explain


A poem starts out actually nice, and not all poems are about love. Some poems are about dragons, mice, and chipmunks.

Poetry Is… (say what poetry is to you)

Poetry is an imaginable ocean, setting you free from all harm. Relaxing you! You are free, thinking about nothing but the words, and thinking about the characters and the setting. Just thinking about the poem.